Everyday Peace Indicators


Donor: Carnegie Corporation of New York

Partners: George Mason University, University of Manchester, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation

Duration: July 2013-December 2016

Website: www.everydaypeaceindicators.org

The Everyday Peace Indicators (EPI) project is a partnership between JRP and George Mason University (USA), the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (South Africa), and the University of Manchester (UK) to investigate alternative, bottom-up indicators of peace and safety. JRP is one of four implementing partners in Uganda, South Africa, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe. Taking its cue from studies in sustainable development, the project asks community members to identify their own measures of peace. It is based on the premise that local communities are best placed to identify changes in their own circumstances, rather than relying on external ‘experts’ to identify indicators for them.

JRP is currently implementing the project in Kanyagoga, Odek, and Atiak in northern Uganda. It facilitated focus group discussions and community meetings in the three locations in 2013 and 2014 to identify the indicators, and conducted the first round of mobile phone surveys in each location in 2014. In 2016, it shall conduct rounds 2 and 3 of the survey in each location in order to measure change over time.

For more information, visit www.everydaypeaceindicators.org.

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